
Friday, July 2, 2010

Tomato and Chilly

I have seen people who mix up with others very quickly; while there are others who take their time. It has got nothing to do with the nature or personality of the person but it is just one of the traits which could easily fall under either. And I have friends spanning the entire spectrum. Where do I fall? I will leave this for my friends to answer :).
Sometimes it feels great to find people get in a group in such a way that it doesn't seem that they are new. While sometimes it is very annoying to see someone trying to get involved in a new group. It all depends upon how the person - who is trying to mix up - is perceived by others plus the viewer's own nature. And it varies from time to time.

Thinking on these lines I remembered something told by my dad sometime back. Let me call it the 'Tomato & Chilly' theory. People can be put under two categories - tomato and chilly. If you know a bit of cooking you will agree that when a tomato is mixed in a dish (sabzi) while cooking the tomato blends in the flavor of that dish and adds to its taste. On the other hand if you add chilly it gives its own taste to the dish reducing the flavor of other ingredients. Its more like a tomato dissolves in a dish while a chilly tries to dominate the taste.
Similarly there are people who become part of the group getting involved with the group as a whole and adapts to the protocols of the group. On the other hand there are some who try to mold the group into their own ways. Sometimes people act one way sometimes the other.

So what are you - chilly or tomato?


Shubhi said...

I m more like a Chill i

Febs said...

Well said..human nature I guess..I'd probably be a tomato.

Parminder said...

I am mostly tomato and sometimes chilly :-)

Mr. Offender said...

I m tomato........... none of the attributes of chilly is there in my system..... but ya never mind try to act like chilly in absence of it.

kunal singh said...

I am more of a Tomato in most of the cases but in very rare cases i am Chilly :). i also like to thank you for writing a blog on this as i was thinking to write something on same lines :)

Happy writing..