
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looking beyond the mask

There are people who always seem to be relaxed. And there are those who are always relaxed. The two may seem to be alike but there is a lot of difference. Of course everyone would like to be in a relaxed state of mind always but not everyone can achieve it. So the next best thing probably is to appear relaxed. That creates a good impression and saves you a lot of questions.

But people who put on a good act may not be actually feeling what they look or show. They may be feeling entirely different. I understand their whole purpose is not to show others the true picture. But do they really want others to believe their act? Do they really want people to take them on their face value? Or do they want someone to try and look beyond the mask? Do they want to see how many people actually can actually look past the cover? How many people actually want to look past the mask?

I have no answer to these questions. I am quoting a line from the movie The Smurfs that fits the situation – “I don’t want people to give me what I ask for. I want them to give me what they want.”


Unknown said...

Which one is you?? The one relaxed or showing being relaxed?

UnknownWriter said...

@B: Both at times

Unknown said...

Lets talk about majority.. So most you are wearing the mask???

UnknownWriter said...

@B: I cannot disclose that. Its for friends to figure out

Faded Glory said...

Yes - Poker Face! You are the masking types :)

Unknown said...

Well Said Faded Glory!!!

Ghost said...

It all depends on how close a person is to you. There will be many who dont actually have interest in knowing if its the mask or not.. There are some, to whom, you cant hide your actual face irrespective of how much you try, and there are some whom you expect to look beyond the mask ;)