
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If I ...

  • If I do what I like then I am selfish
  • If I do what others like me to do then I am stupid
  • If I don't do anything then I am lazy
  • If I do either of these at times then I am moody
  • If I do what some people like me to do and don't do what others like me to do then I am biased
  • If I ask questions about people then I am interfering in their lives
  • If I don't ask questions about them then I don't care
  • If I speak more then I am irritating
  • If I speak less then I am boring
  • If I offer my view point then I don't understand the other's perspective
  • If I don't offer my view point then I am not helpful


Faded Glory said...

Well expressed - Two sides of a coin!!

UnknownWriter said...

Its not two sides but one side at a time and you always lose