
Monday, September 7, 2009

Sitting in office alone

8:30 PM - Sitting in office alone.
Today being a holiday in the US all the people in my account have gone home save me (and another guy). And I have more than 1 and 1/2 hours to spend. My work for the day is over the cab is scheduled for 10:15 PM.
I am wondering what all I could do in this time. Lets see what options I can think of -
  • Write a blog (this of course I am doing right now)
  • Chat: let me see who are online - P with whom I already chatted for quite long, M logged in just now
  • Play: in office it shouldn't be done; so let me postpone it
  • Listen to music: Already doing
  • Study: next please
  • Meet someone: Well odd timings mean no one's around :(
  • Call someone: shouldn't bother someone at night

So where does that leave me? I guess blogging, chatting and playing

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